

Al-Madina Net Holding Co. factory was established at the beginning of the year 1418 AH
To contribute to the development of the economy
To keep pace with the nation’s promising vision 2030

Company Established..

Al-Madina Net Holding Co. factory for cement products was opened in 2013 AD, and it is owned by Al-Madina Network Company, which was established at the beginning of the year 1418 AH to contribute to the movement of the economy and its development through the implementation of its projects for various governmental and private sectors... and this was through its development of the strategic plan that aims to raise the level of service provision This is done by providing qualified personnel and modern technologies that contributed to achieving its goals and overcoming obstacles to reach its desired vision, and in an effort to keep pace with the nation’s promising vision 2030.

Our Vision..

We are committed to a pioneering role in the development that our dear country is witnessing, to keep pace with the latest technical sciences in the field of manufacturing ready-mixed concrete by international standards because it is the most important pillar on which our factory is based.

Our Message..

كوننا شركة رائدة فإننا نسعى لأن تكون شركتنا الأفضل في مجال صناعة الخرسانة الجاهزة من خلال الارتقاء عبر التطوير الدائم والتحسين المستمر ولا نألوا جهداً في سبيل تحقيق أعلى معايير الجودة والعمل باحترافية عالية ومهنية كبيرة بما يحقق سرعة الإنجاز ويضمن الوصول إلى أفضل النتائج ويحقق أعلى المكتسبات.

Efficient Worker
Latest Equipments
Success Partner
Project Complete
(governmental/Residential) Projects

Al-Madina Net Holding Co.

Our factory provides the best services by providing the finest types of concrete used in building and construction
To contribute to the movement and development of the economy
To keep pace with the nation’s promising vision 2030